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Travels of the Wood Family

By Roger & Denise Wood

We’re the Woods: Roger, a retired web developer, Denise, a retired English teacher, our son Isaac, an environmental education editor (that’s him at work in the photo), our daughter Elisabeth, a former history teacher and current business analyst who lives in Michigan, and our grandson Jacob, the smartest, funniest, most adorable child on the planet ;->

Most of the pictures and text you’ll see on this site are about our camping trips in our new (in 2023) camper, but we’ll also include other adventures, like Denise and Elisabeth’s backpacking trip in England and France.

Hope you enjoy the site.

[NOTE: This is a work-in-progress, for sure. At the moment you have to click on Timelines to see the backpacking trip. We’re still organizing the pictures and adding text.]

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